3-300 Advanced Rifle
Coming Soon..
This course requires previous training. If you have not trained with NSR and would like to attend this class you will need to provide certificate of training from a reputable source. Students will be expected to be competent in safe handling and manipulation of their firearms.
An adaptive approach to Defensive Marksmanship at variable distances. Through the use of sound tactics, cover and concealment, along with simple problem solving, students will learn how to quickly and effectively neutralize threats at multiple common distances, ranging from 3 yards to 300 yards. Students will be expected to maintain accuracy, proficiency, and white light discipline.
A reliable functional and serviceable defensive rifle or carbine is required for this course. The use of an LPVO or 3x-6x Magnifier and high output weapon light is suggested for this course. Some topics discussed in this class will not be possible with iron sights for some shooters. Dew to subject matter and location, students must be proficient at clearing malfunctions and deploying their equipment.
Clinton House Plantation Shooting Complex
15171 SC-56, Clinton, SC 29325
Gear requirement:
Plenty of water for drinking and bag lunch/snacks
Electronic ear pro
Eye pro
Closed toe shoes and range/weather appropriate attire, we shoot in all weather.
Pants (you will be kneeling and going prone)
Reliable modern semi automatic rifle and pistol of your choosing
Hard shell outside the waist band holster with adequate belt
Sling for said rifle
Lube for said rifle and pistol
3 magazines for each with way to carry 2 rifle and 2 pistol on body
White light mounted on rifle and pistol. (hand held for pistol is acceptable)
Plenty of extra batteries
Way to carry loose ammo for reloads on the line if needed
Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
Round Count: ……. rifle …… pistol
Cost: …….. + Range Fee
Class Duration: 8 hours